Source code for deshima_sensitivity.physics

# standard library
from typing import List, Union

# dependent packages
import numpy as np

# type aliases
ArrayLike = Union[np.ndarray, List[float], List[int], float, int]

# constants
h = 6.62607004 * 10**-34  # Planck constant
k = 1.38064852 * 10**-23  # Boltzmann constant
e = 1.60217662 * 10**-19  # electron charge
c = 299792458.0  # velocity of light

# main functions
[docs] def rad_trans(rad_in: ArrayLike, medium: ArrayLike, eta: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: """Calculates radiation transfer through a semi-transparent medium. One can also use the same function for Johnson-Nyquist PSD (power spectral density) instead of temperature. Parameters ---------- rad_in Brightness temperature (or PSD) of the input. Units: K (or W/Hz). medium Brightness temperature (or PSD) of the lossy medium. Units: K (or W/Hz). eta Transmission of the lossy medium. Units: K (or W/Hz). Returns ------- rad_out Brightness temperature (or PSD) of the output. """ return eta * rad_in + (1 - eta) * medium
[docs] def T_from_psd(F: ArrayLike, psd: ArrayLike, method: str = "Planck") -> ArrayLike: """Calculate Planck temperature from the PSD frequency (frequencies). Parameters ---------- F Frequency. Units: Hz. psd Power Spectral Density. Units: W / Hz. method Default: 'Planck'. Option: 'Rayleigh-Jeans'. Returns -------- T Planck temperature. Units: K. """ if method == "Planck": return h * F / (k * np.log(h * F / psd + 1.0)) elif method == "Rayleigh-Jeans": return psd / k else: raise ValueError("Method should be Planck or Rayleigh-Jeans.")
[docs] def johnson_nyquist_psd(F: ArrayLike, T: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: """Johnson-Nyquist power spectral density. Don't forget to multiply with bandwidth to caculate the total power in W. Parameters ---------- F Frequency. Units: Hz. T Temperature. Units: K. Returns -------- psd Power Spectral Density. Units: W / Hz. """ return h * F * nph(F, T)
# helper functions
[docs] def nph(F: ArrayLike, T: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: """Photon occupation number of Bose-Einstein Statistics. If it is not single temperature, use nph = Pkid / (W_F * h * F). Parameters ---------- F Frequency. Units: Hz. T Temperature. Units: K. Returns -------- n Photon occupation number. Units: None. """ return 1.0 / (np.exp(h * F / (k * T)) - 1.0)