Source code for deshima_sensitivity.atmosphere

# standard library
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, List, Union

# dependent packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d

# type aliases
ArrayLike = Union[np.ndarray, List[float], List[int], float, int]

# main functions
[docs] def eta_atm_func( F: ArrayLike, pwv: float, EL: float = 60.0, R: float = 0.0 ) -> ArrayLike: """Calculate eta_atm as a function of F by interpolation. If R~=0 then the function will average the atmospheric transmission within each spectrometer channel. Parameters ---------- F Frequency of the astronomical signal. Units: Hz (works also for GHz, will detect). pwv Precipitable water vapour. Units: mm. EL Telescope elevation angle. Units: degrees. R Spectral resolving power in F/W_F where W_F is the 'equivalent bandwidth'. R is used to average the atmospheric transmission within one spectrometer channel. If R = 0, then the function will return the transmission at that exact frequency. Units: None. See also: Returns ------- eta_atm Atmospheric tranmsmission. Units: None. """ if np.average(F) > 10.0**9: F = F / 10.0**9 # give F a length if it is an integer. if not hasattr(F, "__len__"): F = np.asarray([F]) eta_atm_df = pd.read_csv( Path(__file__).parent / "data" / "atm.csv", skiprows=4, delim_whitespace=True, header=0, ) eta_atm_func_zenith = eta_atm_interp(eta_atm_df) if R == 0: eta_atm = np.abs(eta_atm_func_zenith(pwv, F)) ** ( 1.0 / np.sin(EL * np.pi / 180.0) ) else: # smooth with spectrometer resolution # 100.0, 100.1., ....., 1000 GHz as in the original data. F_highres = eta_atm_df["F"] eta_atm_zenith_highres = np.abs(eta_atm_func_zenith(pwv, F_highres)) ** ( 1.0 / np.sin(EL * np.pi / 180.0) ) eta_atm = np.zeros(len(F)) for i_ch in range(len(F)): eta_atm[i_ch] = np.mean( eta_atm_zenith_highres[ (F_highres > F[i_ch] * (1 - 0.5 / R)) & (F_highres < F[i_ch] * (1 + 0.5 / R)) ] ) eta_atm = [eta_atm] if len(eta_atm) == 1: return eta_atm[0] else: return eta_atm[:, 0]
# helper functions
[docs] def eta_atm_interp(eta_atm_dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> Callable: """Used in the function eta_atm_func(). Returns a function that interpolates atmospheric transmission data downloaded from ALMA ( The returned function has the form of eta = func(F [GHz], pwv [mm]). Note telescope EL = 90 (zenith). Parameters ---------- eta_atm_dataframe Pandas DataFrame of atmospheric transmission data. Returns -------- func Function that returns the atmospheric transmission. Example -------- Read csv file with pandas (in e.g., Jupyter):: eta_atm_df = pd.read_csv("<desim-folder>/data/atm.csv",skiprows=4, delim_whitespace=True,header=0) Make function from pandas file:: etafun = desim.eta_atm_interp(eta_atm_df) """ x = np.array(list(eta_atm_dataframe)[1:]).astype(np.float64) y = eta_atm_dataframe["F"].values z = eta_atm_dataframe.iloc[:, 1:].values return interp2d(x, y, z, kind="cubic")