Source code for demerge.merge

__all__ = ["merge"]

# standard library
from import Iterator
from contextlib import contextmanager
from logging import DEBUG, basicConfig, getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, Optional, Union

# dependencies
from fire import Fire
from .utils import to_brightness, to_dems

# type hints
PathLike = Union[Path, str]

# constants
LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)

def set_logger(debug: bool, /) -> Iterator[None]:
    """Temporarily set the level of the module logger."""
    level = LOGGER.level

    if debug:


[docs] def merge( dems: Path, /, *, # required datasets corresp: PathLike, ddb: PathLike, obsinst: PathLike, readout: PathLike, # optional datasets antenna: Optional[PathLike] = None, cabin: Optional[PathLike] = None, misti: Optional[PathLike] = None, skychop: Optional[PathLike] = None, weather: Optional[PathLike] = None, # optional time offsets dt_antenna: Union[int, str] = "0 ms", dt_cabin: Union[int, str] = "0 ms", dt_misti: Union[int, str] = "0 ms", dt_skychop: Union[int, str] = "9 ms", dt_weather: Union[int, str] = "0 ms", # merge options measure: Literal["df/f", "brightness"] = "df/f", overwrite: bool = False, debug: bool = False, ) -> Path: """Merge observation datasets into a single DEMS. Args: dems: Path of the merged DEMS. corresp: Path of the KID correspondence. ddb: Path of DDB FITS. obsinst: Path of the observation instruction. readout: Path of the reduced readout FITS. antenna: Path of the antenna log. cabin: Path of the cabin log. misti: Path of the MiSTI log. skychop: Path of the sky chopper log. weather: Path of the weather log. dt_antenna: Time offset of the antenna log with explicit unit such that (dt_antenna = t_antenna - t_readout). dt_cabin: Time offset of the cabin log with explicit unit such that (dt_cabin = t_cabin - t_readout). dt_misti: Time offset of the MiSTI log with explicit unit such that (dt_misti = t_misti - t_readout). dt_skychop: Time offset of the sky chopper log with explicit unit such that (dt_skychop = t_skychop - t_readout). Defaults to 9 ms (for DESHIMA campaign in 2024). dt_weather: Time offset of the weather log with explicit unit such that (dt_weather = t_weather - t_readout). measure: Measure of the DEMS (either df/f or brightness). overwrite: If True, ``dems`` will be overwritten even if it exists. debug: If True, detailed logs for debugging will be printed. Returns: Path of the merged DEMS. Raises: FileExistsError: Raised if ``dems`` exists and ``overwrite`` is False. """ with set_logger(debug): for key, val in locals().items(): LOGGER.debug(f"{key}: {val!r}") da = to_dems( # required datasets corresp=corresp, ddb=ddb, obsinst=obsinst, readout=readout, # optional datasets antenna=antenna, cabin=cabin, misti=misti, skychop=skychop, weather=weather, # optional time offsets dt_antenna=dt_antenna, dt_cabin=dt_cabin, dt_misti=dt_misti, dt_skychop=dt_skychop, dt_weather=dt_weather, ) if measure == "brightness": da = to_brightness(da) if (dems := Path(dems)).exists() and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError(dems) if overwrite: dems.unlink(missing_ok=True) dems.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) da.to_zarr(dems, mode="w") return dems.resolve()
def merge_cli() -> None: """Command line interface of the merge function.""" basicConfig( datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", format="[%(asctime)s %(name)s %(funcName)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s", ) Fire(merge)