demerge.reduce package#

Module contents#

reduce(*, data_pack: Path | str, reduced_pack: Path | str, overwrite: bool = False, debug: bool = False) Path[source]#

Reduce KID measurements into a single “reduced” FITS.

  • data_pack (Path | str) – Path of data package (e.g. cosmos_YYYYmmddHHMMSS).

  • reduced_pack (Path | str) – Path of reduced package (e.g. reduced_YYYYmmddHHMMSS).

  • overwrite (bool) – If True, reduced_pack will be overwritten even if it exists.

  • debug (bool) – If True, detailed logs for debugging will be printed.


Path of the created reduced FITS (in the reduced package).

  • FileNotFoundError – Raised if data_pack does not exist.

  • FileExistsError – Raised if reduced_pack exists and overwrite is False.

Return type:
