Source code for decode.load

__all__ = ["atm", "dems"]

# standard library
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Literal, Union
from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter

# dependencies
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

# constants
ALMA_ATM = "alma_atm.txt"
DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "data"
ZARR_ENGINE = "zarr"
ZARR_SUFFIX = ".zarr"

[docs] def atm(*, type: Literal["eta", "tau"] = "tau") -> xr.DataArray: """Load an ALMA ATM model as a DataArray. Args: type: Type of model to be stored in the DataArray. Either ``'eta'`` (transmission) or ``'tau'`` (opacity). Returns: DataArray that stores the ALMA ATM model. """ atm = pd.read_csv( DATA_DIR / ALMA_ATM, comment="#", index_col=0, sep=r"\s+", ) freq = xr.DataArray( atm.index * 1e9, dims="freq", attrs={ "long_name": "Frequency", "units": "Hz", }, ) pwv = xr.DataArray( atm.columns.astype(float), dims="pwv", attrs={ "long_name": "Precipitable water vapor", "units": "mm", }, ) if type == "eta": return xr.DataArray(atm, coords=(freq, pwv)) elif type == "tau": with catch_warnings(): simplefilter("ignore") return xr.DataArray(-np.log(atm), coords=(freq, pwv)) else: raise ValueError("Type must be either eta or tau.")
[docs] def dems(dems: Union[Path, str], /, **options: Any) -> xr.DataArray: """Load a DEMS file as a DataArray. Args: dems: Path of the DEMS file. Keyword Args: options: Arguments to be passed to ``xarray.open_dataarray``. Return: Loaded DEMS DataArray. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the file type is not supported. """ suffixes = Path(dems).suffixes if NETCDF_SUFFIX in suffixes: options = { "engine": NETCDF_ENGINE, **options, } elif ZARR_SUFFIX in suffixes: options = { "chunks": "auto", "engine": ZARR_ENGINE, **options, } else: raise ValueError( f"File type of {dems} is not supported." "Use netCDF (.nc) or Zarr (.zarr," ) return xr.open_dataarray(dems, **options)